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High-resolution whole-organ imaging of cleared tissues captures cellular and molecular insights within the intact tissue and tumour microenvironments. However, current immunolabelling and clearing methods are complicated and time-consuming; extending to several weeks. Here, we developed S imple U ltrafast M ulticolor I mmunolabelling and C learing or SUMIC , a method that enables multicolor immunolabelling and clearing of whole murine organs and human tissues within 2 to 2.5 days. Moreover, SUMIC is simple, robust, non-hazardous and versatile comprising antigen retrieval, permeabilization, collagenase-based digestion, immunolabelling, dehydration, and clearing. SUMIC permits quantitative and singlecell resolution analysis and detection of rare cells in whole organs, for example, round αSMA positive cells in the thymus. Upon volumetric imaging, SUMIC-processed samples retain normal tissue architecture and can be used for paraffin-embedding and histology. We employed the SUMIC method for whole-organ mapping of lymphatic vessels across different ages and organs. This analysis revealed the expansion of lymphatic vessels in endocrine tissues but not in any other organs with aging. Hence, SUMIC will accelerate discoveries compared to other whole organ imaging pipelines.

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